For over 20 years, Cortney has been a full time mom and a part time artist. Family has always been her main priority, and continues to be so, but she is finding more time for her art as her family is growing up. Her husband has always been very supportive of her which she is grateful for. Art, family, and spirituality have always been interconnected for her. She loves to paint anything that brings joy, which includes religious themes, people (especially children), and still life and landscape paintings. She loves the variety of painting different subject matter, and can't imagine limiting herself with that. For many years, she painted mostly with watercolors. She enjoyed experimenting with different watercolor techniques including the use of texture medium, and the experimenting transitioned to focusing more on oil painting. At first she thought it would be an easy change, but quickly found out how much there was to learn. She has enjoyed the whole process, and is excited to continue to improve. A life changer has been developing the habit of painting from life. She truly feels like the Lord has had a hand in her work, and is very grateful for the opportunity to share her artwork with others.
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