For me, the inclination towards painting and art was a natural transition. Being the daughter of an Architect, who was an extraordinary artist himself, meant that I was exposed to drawings, precision, structure and expression of art from a very young age. Though, I did engage in painting during my academic years, it was more of a hobby or just whenever I needed to destress my mind and relax. During my formative years, I engaged in a great deal of painting techniques, like fabric painting, art on pottery, and wooden surfaces, all just a source of enjoyment.
It wasn't until very recently, April 2018 to be more precise, that I really started pursuing this passion more seriously. Having lived most of my life in one of the busiest metro cities of India called Mumbai, I had not been exposed to the beauty of nature on a large scale, which I got to see in abundance after relocating to Tennessee U.S.A. after my husband's transfer here. Also having my son go off to Italy for further studies, gave me a chance to pursue my hobby more seriously. I won a couple of awards as a child artist at school and college level, which helped pave the path towards creating art.
A self-taught artist, with no training in the field of art and painting, my journey has since been a very interesting one, where I look back and see the transformation of an amateur to a more professional level, artist. However, the more interesting part has been me enjoying every single moment of this journey. The more I learn, the more I realize, how vast this infinite spectrum of art is!
My present level of skill is merely through practice and also watching other artists at work on the internet. I enjoy using various surfaces, mediums and textures for painting and am always keen to try out something new. My medium of preference has always been acrylic, mainly due to the drying time. But I do use oils in order to get certain textures right. Doing commissioned artwork is a challenge which gives me an opportunity to stretch my limits even further. My painting surface could be anything from canvas, fabric, to wood or earthenware, basically anything that can hold the paint.
I prefer to be a versatile artist, rather than restricting myself to just one avenue like landscape, seascapes or portraits, but my all-time favorites are landscapes. My artworks are usually with bold and bright colors, and I relish incorporating the most minuscule of details into each piece. However, I have continuously been experimenting between sharpness, shades, shadows, reflections and visual illusions. I aptly say - "Each artwork is a session of learning."
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